Shipping policy
- Please remember that delivery time does not include weekends or holidays.
- Orders cannot be canceled, changed, or modified after it has been shipped.
- We offer FREE shipping on orders within the continental United States.
- All of our packages include Tracking and Delivery Confirmation.
- We are not responsible for delays in USPS shipping, products that are lost or damaged in the mail, acts of nature, terrorism, acts of government, war, civil commotion, strikes, lock-outs, labor or industrial disputes, power shortages or power failures, inability to obtain sufficient labor, raw materials, fuel or utilities, technical problems or communication failures during your shipping process.
- If the item is not delivered on time or you have tracking number complications please contact USPS at 1-800-275-8887
- It is the responsibility of the buyer to make sure the shipping address is correct.
Terms of service
Clothing orders require 2-4 weeks for production unless other arrangements have been made.
Tumbler orders require 5 business days for production unless other arrangements have been made.
Wholesale orders will ship within 5 business days if the items are in stock. If items are not in stock it may take up to 5 weeks for shipment of items.
I understand that Custom Creations will email me or communicate with me about any delays.
I also understand that no refunds will be given on items that are ordered as Wholesale items.
Refunds will not be given on custom orders. If you have an issue with your order, you will communicate with Custom Creations to offer replacements or store credit.